Creativity can be sparked by boundaries - thinking INSIDE a box - because it forces you to see and use what is available. Kristy and I are big believers in this method of jumpstarting our creative minds.
That’s why we’ve launched a new creative exercise called PROMPT.
Every 2 weeks, we will choose a word or phrase and use it to inspire art - whether it’s photographs, paintings, quilts, dance, poetry…anything used to create. This is a practice in process - it isn’t about perfection, but rather, about inspiration. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US in this exercise!
Below, I’m sharing a few of my most favorite contributions to this project from those who chose to join us so far for this round. We LOVE seeing your work! If you’d like to share something, please post your work with the hashtag #ppprompt on Instagram or Facebook.
We will announce the next PROMPT on Wednesday, May 20th - so follow us to if you’d like to make art with us!