spring 2016

Spring Quilt Market 2016: Nissa's Favorite Finds

Hey y'all - Nissa here. 

It's all over, folks! Spring Market is a wrap and while everyone heads back home to start dreaming up their next projects, I wanted to do a little roundup of  some of my favorite finds from Salt Lake City. 

I LOVE MELODY MILLER. I got to meet her for the first time at QuiltCon and was basically a giggly mess. Her fabric designs are just always right up my alley and I find myself drawn to them even when I don't know they are hers. I'm in love with Daisy Fields - Blue from her TRINKET line...I want to make a dress out of it for the summer. Her booth was simple but since I love her, she's always going to be on my favorites list (Hey Melody - call me anytime you need photos through another eye!) 



What I liked best about Maureen Cracknell's booth was the DRAMA. I love seeing color and a lot of it - she delivered. Her Spring 2016 collection Nightfall has a sophisticated whimsy feel and I'm in love with the owl prints. Looking forward to seeing more from her! 



I saw a trend really surfacing at Market this year - vintage florals. My favorite print of Melody Miller's (above) was a vintage floral and I saw some really delicious offerings at Alexander Henry Fabric's booth as well.  My eye kept coming back to this fabulous display with dresses made by Sandra Johnson Designs, with on-point accessories and some retro decor.  I'm a modgirl, what can I say? This is all kinds of awesome. 



Violet Craft is one of the most talented artists within the industry right now. Her use of color and design is second to none and I'm constantly impressed with what she's creating. We've all ooohed and aahhhhed at her animal pieces (the Elephant and Lion are just as amazing every time I see them) and landscape called Elevated Abstractions continues to make me swoon. I am immediately transported to a memory of driving from Portland, Oregon to Sisters, Oregon, past Mount Hood and down the valley toward the Three Sisters. (If you've never been there, do it.) 

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Heather Jones released her first collection for Robert Kaufmann for Spring 2016 and I am loving it. Color Dash has a really mod feel and it strikes me as several options that you could use easily as neutrals alongside busier patterned fabric. I love the handcrafted feel. Who is going to make some garments out of this line? 

What are some of your favorites from Spring Market? What were the trends you saw? What are you inspired by? 

We want you get a jumpstart on the inspiration that comes from an amazing time at QuiltMarket. What are you dreaming about getting done?  We can help you! We'll be sharing an exciting Limited Time Promotion TOMORROW, Wednesday May 25 in celebration of Spring Quilt Market 2016. There's only 156 days until Fall Market in Houston kicks off so let's get started on your projects now!